Swabian Potato Salad
Swabian Potato Salad
- Ingredients
- 3kg waxy potatoes
- 3 bay leaves
- 3-4 medium onions (~200-300g), finely chopped
- 3 garlic cloves, finely chopped
- 180mL white vinegar
- Note: I have also used other types of vinegar, but I
think I like it the most with white vinegar.
- 750mL vegetable broth
- Note: I use store-bought powder for making the vegetable
broth, and I always use about twice as much powder as
the package says because I like it a bit stronger,
especially since the potatoes soak up a lot.
- 6 Tbsp mustard
- 12 Tbsp vegetable oil (180mL)
- Note: Some types of oil have a very strong taste that
may not be ideal for potato salad.
- Chives to taste (I usually add a few teaspoons)
- Instructions
- Either peel and boil or boil and peel the potatoes (I always
peel them before because some potatoes are really annoying
to peel after cooking).
- Note: Don't boil them too long since they're supposed
to stay relatively firm for the salad.
- Cut potatoes into thin slices (you can also grate them, but
mine usually aren't firm enough to do that without them
turning into mashed potatoes).
- Boil onions, garlic, vinegar, vegetable broth, mustard, and
bay leaves for a few minutes.
- Remove bay leaves and pour sauce over the potatoes.
- Cover the mixture and leave it for several hours, mixing it
occasionally, until the liquid has been soaked up by the potatoes.
- Add oil and chives and mix well.
- Notes
- Some potatoes soak up more or less liquid, so you may need
to adjust the amount of vegetable broth and vinegar.
- You may want to add even more vegetable broth powder or
just regular salt if you want it to be a bit stronger.
Source: Based on a recipe from brigitte.de.