1 #!/usr/bin/env perl 2 3 # LSG::Generate - main generation function for the LSG 4 # Written by lumidify <> 5 # 6 # To the extent possible under law, the author has dedicated 7 # all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this 8 # software to the public domain worldwide. This software is 9 # distributed without any warranty. 10 # 11 # You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain 12 # Dedication along with this software. If not, see 13 # <>. 14 15 package LSG::Generate; 16 use strict; 17 use warnings; 18 use utf8; 19 use open qw< :encoding(UTF-8) >; 20 binmode STDIN, ":encoding(UTF-8)"; 21 binmode STDOUT, ":encoding(UTF-8)"; 22 binmode STDERR, ":encoding(UTF-8)"; 23 use Cwd; 24 use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile); 25 use File::Path qw(make_path); 26 use LSG::Markdown; 27 use LSG::Config qw($config); 28 29 sub gen_page { 30 my ($pageid, $html_pages) = @_; 31 my @ret_pages; 32 foreach my $lang (keys %{$config->{"langs"}}) { 33 my $template = $config->{"metadata"}->{$pageid}->{"template"} . ".$lang.html"; 34 # FIXME: also check if the html file actually exists 35 # -> maybe compare with modified date of html instead of markdown 36 if ( 37 exists($config->{"modified_dates"}->{"pages"}->{"$pageid.$lang"}) && 38 exists($config->{"modified_dates"}->{"templates"}->{$template}) && 39 $config->{"modified_dates"}->{"pages"}->{"$pageid.$lang"} eq $config->{"metadata"}->{$pageid}->{"modified"}->{$lang} && 40 $config->{"modified_dates"}->{"templates"}->{$template} eq $config->{"templates"}->{$template}->{"modified"} && 41 (!exists $config->{"metadata"}->{$pageid}->{$lang}->{"always_update"} || 42 $config->{"metadata"}->{$pageid}->{$lang}->{"always_update"} ne "true") 43 ) { 44 next; 45 } 46 #print("Processing $pageid.$lang\n"); 47 my $html_dir = catfile("site", $lang, $config->{"metadata"}->{$pageid}->{"dirname"}); 48 make_path($html_dir); 49 my $html; 50 if (defined($html_pages)) { 51 if (!exists($html_pages->{$lang})) { 52 die "Page $pageid does not exist for language $lang\n"; 53 } 54 $html = $html_pages->{$lang}; 55 } else { 56 my $fullname = catfile("pages", "$pageid.$lang"); 57 my @tmp_pages; 58 ($html, @tmp_pages) = LSG::Markdown::parse_md($lang, $pageid, $fullname); 59 push(@ret_pages, @tmp_pages); 60 } 61 my $final_html = LSG::Template::render_template($html, $lang, $pageid); 62 my $html_file = catfile("site", $lang, $pageid) . ".html"; 63 open(my $in, ">", $html_file) or die "ERROR: can't open $html_file for writing\n"; 64 print $in $final_html; 65 close($in); 66 } 67 return @ret_pages; 68 } 69 70 sub gen_files { 71 my %extra_pages; 72 for my $pageid (keys %{$config->{"metadata"}}) { 73 for my $page (gen_page($pageid)) { 74 if (exists $extra_pages{$page->[0]}->{$page->[1]}) { 75 die "Duplicate page $page->[0] for language $page->[1]\n"; 76 } 77 $extra_pages{$page->[0]}->{$page->[1]} = $page->[2]; 78 } 79 } 80 for my $pageid (keys %extra_pages) { 81 gen_page($pageid, $extra_pages{$pageid}); 82 } 83 } 84 85 sub delete_obsolete_recurse { 86 my $dir = shift; 87 opendir(my $dh, $dir) or die "Unable to open directory \"" . getcwd() . "/$dir\": $!\n"; 88 my $filename; 89 my @dirs; 90 while ($filename = readdir($dh)) { 91 next if $filename =~ /\A\.\.?\z/; 92 my $path = $dir eq "." ? $filename : catfile($dir, $filename); 93 if (-d $path) { 94 push(@dirs, $path); 95 next; 96 } 97 my $pageid = $path; 98 $pageid =~ s/\.html\z//; 99 if (!exists($config->{"metadata"}->{$pageid})) { 100 print("Deleting old file \"" . getcwd() . "/$path\".\n"); 101 unlink($path); 102 } 103 } 104 closedir($dh); 105 opendir($dh, $dir) or die "Unable to open directory \"" . getcwd() . "/$dir\": $!\n"; 106 if (scalar(grep { $_ ne "." && $_ ne ".." } readdir($dh)) == 0) { 107 print("Deleting old directory \"" . getcwd() . "/$dir\".\n"); 108 rmdir($dir); 109 } 110 closedir($dh); 111 # FIXME: remove empty dirs 112 foreach (@dirs) { 113 delete_obsolete_recurse($_); 114 } 115 } 116 117 sub delete_obsolete { 118 my $cur = getcwd(); 119 foreach my $lang (keys %{$config->{"langs"}}) { 120 chdir(catfile("site", $lang)) or die "Unable to access directory \"site/$lang\": $!\n"; 121 delete_obsolete_recurse("."); 122 chdir($cur); 123 } 124 } 125 126 1;