
Lumidify Site Generator
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      1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
      3 #TODO: template - func processed once and func processed for each page
      5 # LSG::UserFuncs - user functions for the LSG (called from templates and markdown files)
      6 # Written by lumidify <>
      7 #
      8 # To the extent possible under law, the author has dedicated
      9 # all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this
     10 # software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
     11 # distributed without any warranty.
     12 #
     13 # You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain
     14 # Dedication along with this software. If not, see
     15 # <>.
     17 package LSG::UserFuncs;
     18 use strict;
     19 use warnings;
     20 use utf8;
     21 use open qw< :encoding(UTF-8) >;
     22 binmode STDIN, ":encoding(UTF-8)";
     23 binmode STDOUT, ":encoding(UTF-8)";
     24 binmode STDERR, ":encoding(UTF-8)";
     25 use LSG::Config qw($config);
     26 use LSG::Misc;
     28 # FIXME: maybe also pass line for better error messages
     29 # Module arguments:
     30 # 1:  page id in %fm
     31 # 2:  page language
     32 # 3-: other args (e.g. for func call)
     34 # Return value:
     35 # Usually just the html text.
     36 # Optionally, a list of array references of the form [$pageid, $lang, $html]
     37 # defining further pages, together with the complete body html text of the
     38 # page. The returned text is always taken verbatim as the html code of the
     39 # page body, there is no option to interpret it as markdown.
     40 # When called from templates, the extra pages are ignored.
     42 # Yeah, this is extremely inefficient, but it's
     43 # not like we're comparing billions of books.
     44 sub sort_numeric {
     45 	my ($a, $b) = @_;
     46 	my @s1 = split(/(\d+)/, $a);
     47 	my @s2 = split(/(\d+)/, $b);
     48 	for my $i (0..$#s1) {
     49 		if ($i > $#s2) {
     50 			return 1;
     51 		}
     52 		# 01 and 1 should compare the same, so numbers
     53 		# need '!=' instead of 'ne' like the strings
     54 		if ($s1[$i] =~ /\d+/ && $s2[$i] =~ /\d+/) {
     55 			if ($s1[$i] != $s2[$i]) {
     56 				return $s1[$i] <=> $s2[$i];
     57 			}
     58 		} elsif ($s1[$i] ne $s2[$i]) {
     59 			return $s1[$i] cmp $s2[$i];
     60 		}
     61 	}
     62 	if ($#s2 > $#s1) {
     63 		return -1;
     64 	}
     65 	return 0;
     66 }
     68 sub sort_books {
     69 	# FIXME: 'list' currently doesn't make much sense - the
     70 	# sorting should be changed to just be alphabetical by
     71 	# title when 'list' is used
     73 	# $mode == list: just list books
     74 	# $mode == combined: create subheadings for @sort_by
     75 	# $mode == separate: create separate pages for @sort_by
     76 	# $dir: directory to search for pages to sort
     77 	# (new pages are also created in this directory)
     78 	# @sort_by: list of metadata attributes to sort by
     79 	# (this is a hierarchical sorting, i.e. if the second
     80 	# category in @sort_by is the same for two pages,
     81 	# the first category must also be the same, and so
     82 	# on, otherwise there will probably be an error at
     83 	# some point, or the result will just be weird)
     84 	my ($pageid, $lang, $dir, $mode, @sort_by) = @_;
     85 	if (!defined($dir) || !defined($mode)) {
     86 		die "ERROR: Too few arguments to sort_by.\n";
     87 	}
     88 	if ($mode eq "list") {
     89 		$mode = 0;
     90 	} elsif ($mode eq "combined") {
     91 		$mode = 1;
     92 	} elsif ($mode eq "separate") {
     93 		$mode = 2;
     94 	} else {
     95 		die "ERROR: Invalid mode $mode for sort_books.\n";
     96 	}
     97 	my %tmp_md;
     98 	foreach my $id (keys %{$config->{"metadata"}}) {
     99 		# pages generated by sort_books need to be skipped so when this
    100 		# function is called again for other languages, it doesn't try
    101 		# to sort all the generated pages (yes, this is really ugly)
    103 		# prevent autovivification of $config->{"metadata"}->{$id}->{$lang}
    104 		next if (exists($config->{"metadata"}->{$id}->{$lang}) &&
    105 			$config->{"metadata"}->{$id}->{$lang}->{"generated:sort_books"});
    106 		if ($config->{"metadata"}->{$id}->{"dirname"} eq $dir) {
    107 			$tmp_md{$id} = $config->{"metadata"}->{$id};
    108 			my $found = 0;
    109 			for my $sb (@sort_by) {
    110 				if (!exists($config->{"metadata"}->{$id}->{$lang}) ||
    111 				    !exists($config->{"metadata"}->{$id}->{$lang}->{$sb})) {
    112 					$found = 1;
    113 				} else {
    114 					if ($found) {
    115 						# there can't be any "undef gaps" - as soon as one sort key
    116 						# is undef, all the ones afterwards are ignored (in the
    117 						# final output, the page is located on the same "level" as
    118 						# the category of the first undef sort key)
    119 						die "ERROR: $pageid: metadata $sb defined but previous " .
    120 						     "sort key already undef.\n";
    121 					}
    122 					my $val = $config->{"metadata"}->{$id}->{$lang}->{$sb};
    123 					if (!exists($config->{"$sb:$lang"}->{$val})) {
    124 						die "No display value configured for sort key $sb=$val (language $lang).\n";
    125 					}
    126 				}
    127 			}
    128 		}
    129 	}
    130 	# I could do a Schwartzian transform here, but I won't because I'm too lazy.
    131 	my @sorted = sort {
    132 		for my $sb (@sort_by) {
    133 			# if a sort_by value is undef, use the title of the page instead
    134 			# so entries on the same level are sorted properly even if some
    135 			# are actual pages and other are categories
    136 			my $sort_a = exists($tmp_md{$a}->{$lang}->{$sb}) ?
    137 				$config->{"$sb:$lang"}->{$tmp_md{$a}->{$lang}->{$sb}} :
    138 				$tmp_md{$a}->{$lang}->{"title"};
    139 			my $sort_b = exists($tmp_md{$b}->{$lang}->{$sb}) ?
    140 				$config->{"$sb:$lang"}->{$tmp_md{$b}->{$lang}->{$sb}} :
    141 				$tmp_md{$b}->{$lang}->{"title"};
    142 			if ((my $ret = sort_numeric($sort_a, $sort_b))) {
    143 				return $ret;
    144 			}
    145 		}
    146 		return sort_numeric($tmp_md{$a}->{$lang}->{"title"}, $tmp_md{$b}->{$lang}->{"title"});
    147 	} (keys %tmp_md);
    148 	my $output = "";
    149 	my %current;
    150 	my @extra_pages;
    151 	my @page_stack = ([$pageid, $lang, ""]);
    152 	my $margin_dir = $config->{"lang_dirs"}->{$lang} eq "rtl" ? "right" : "left";
    153 	foreach my $id (@sorted) {
    154 		my $rel_lnk = LSG::Misc::gen_relative_link("$lang/$pageid", "$lang/$id.html");
    155 		if ($mode == 1 || $mode == 2) {
    156 			my $indent = 0;
    157 			my $found_unequal = 0;
    158 			for my $i (0..$#sort_by) {
    159 				my $sb = $sort_by[$i];
    160 				# Note: it would be possible to uses exists instead of
    161 				# defined here, but using defined makes the code a bit simpler
    162 				if (defined($current{$sb}) != defined($tmp_md{$id}->{$lang}->{$sb}) ||
    163 				    (defined($current{$sb}) && $current{$sb} ne $tmp_md{$id}->{$lang}->{$sb})) {
    164 					$found_unequal = 1;
    165 					$current{$sb} = $tmp_md{$id}->{$lang}->{$sb};
    166 					for my $j ($indent+1..$#page_stack) {
    167 						push(@extra_pages, pop(@page_stack));
    168 					}
    169 					if (defined($current{$sb})) {
    170 						my $name = $config->{"$sb:$lang"}->{$current{$sb}};
    171 						# This is currently hard-coded. Up to four heading sizes are
    172 						# used (starting at <h3>), then they just stay the same
    173 						if ($mode == 1) {
    174 							my $h_sz = $indent + 3 > 6 ? 6 : $indent + 3;
    175 							$output .= "<h$h_sz style=\"margin-$margin_dir: " .
    176 								($indent * 15). "pt;\">$name</h$h_sz>\n";
    177 						} else {
    178 							my $new_id = "$dir/$sb/$current{$sb}";
    179 							if (exists $config->{"metadata"}->{$new_id}->{$lang}) {
    180 								die "ERROR: Duplicate page $new_id (lang $lang).\n";
    181 							}
    182 							my $cat_lnk = LSG::Misc::gen_relative_link(
    183 								"$lang/$page_stack[-1]->[0]", "$lang/$new_id.html"
    184 							);
    185 							$page_stack[-1]->[2] .= "<p><a href=\"$cat_lnk\">$name</a></p>\n";
    186 							push(@page_stack, [
    187 								$new_id,
    188 								$lang,
    189 								"<h3>$name</h3>\n"
    190 							]);
    191 							$config->{"metadata"}->{$new_id}->{$lang} = {
    192 								title => $name,
    193 								"generated:sort_books" => 1
    194 							};
    195 							# FIXME: maybe check if these overwrite a different value
    196 							$config->{"metadata"}->{$new_id}->{"template"} = $config->{"metadata"}->{$pageid}->{"template"};
    197 							$config->{"metadata"}->{$new_id}->{"dirname"} = "$dir/$sb";
    198 							$config->{"metadata"}->{$new_id}->{"basename"} = $current{$sb};
    199 						}
    200 					}
    201 				} elsif ($found_unequal && defined($current{$sb})) {
    202 					die "ERROR: $sb same as previous page in list for page $id, but higher-level category different (lang $lang).\n";
    203 				}
    204 				if (!defined($current{$sb})) {
    205 					# as soon as one sort key is undef, the other ones should
    206 					# also be undef for it to make sense
    207 					for my $j ($i+1..$#sort_by) {
    208 						if (defined($tmp_md{$id}->{$lang}->{$sort_by[$j]})) {
    209 							die "ERROR: $sort_by[$j] set for page $id, but $sb unset (lang $lang).\n";
    210 						}
    211 						$current{$sort_by[$j]} = undef;
    212 					}
    213 					last;
    214 				}
    215 				$indent++;
    216 			}
    217 			if ($mode == 1) {
    218 				$output .= "<p style=\"margin-$margin_dir: " . ($indent * 15) . "pt;\">" .
    219 					"<a href=\"$rel_lnk\">" . $tmp_md{$id}->{$lang}->{"title"} . "</a></p>\n";
    220 			} else {
    221 				$rel_lnk = LSG::Misc::gen_relative_link("$lang/$page_stack[-1]->[0]", "$lang/$id.html");
    222 				$page_stack[-1]->[2] .= "<p><a href=\"$rel_lnk\">" . $tmp_md{$id}->{$lang}->{"title"} . "</a></p>\n";
    223 			}
    224 		} else {
    225 			$output .= "<p><a href=\"$rel_lnk\">" . $tmp_md{$id}->{$lang}->{"title"} . "</a></p>\n";
    226 		}
    227 	}
    229 	if ($mode == 2) {
    230 		for my $i (1..$#page_stack) {
    231 			push(@extra_pages, pop(@page_stack));
    232 		}
    233 		$output = $page_stack[0]->[2];
    234 		shift @page_stack;
    235 		return ($output, @extra_pages);
    236 	} else {
    237 		return $output;
    238 	}
    239 }
    241 sub gen_lang_selector {
    242 	my $pageid = shift;
    243 	my $lang = shift;
    244 	my $output = "<ul>\n";
    245 	foreach my $nav_lang (sort(keys(%{$config->{"langs"}}))) {
    246 		if ($nav_lang ne $lang) {
    247 			my $url = LSG::Misc::gen_relative_link("$lang/$pageid", "$nav_lang/$pageid.html");
    248 			$output .= "<li><a href=\"$url\">" . $config->{"langs"}->{$nav_lang} . "</a></li>\n";
    249 		}
    250 	}
    251 	$output .= "</ul>";
    253 	return $output;
    254 }
    256 sub gen_nav {
    257 	my $pageid = shift;
    258 	my $lang = shift;
    259 	# Don't print <ul>'s so extra content can be added in template
    260 	#my $output = "<ul>\n";
    261 	my $output = "";
    262 	my @nav = @{$config->{"nav"}};
    263 	# Not necessary because of direction: rtl in style
    264 	#if ($lang_dirs{$lang} eq "rtl") {
    265 	#	@nav = reverse(@nav);
    266 	#}
    267 	foreach my $nav_page (@nav) {
    268 		my $title = $config->{"metadata"}->{$nav_page}->{$lang}->{"title"};
    269 		if (!defined($title)) {
    270 			die "Unable to find title for navigation page \"$nav_page\"\n";
    271 		}
    272 		my $url = LSG::Misc::gen_relative_link("$lang/$pageid", "$lang/$nav_page.html");
    273 		$output .= "<li><a href=\"$url\">$title</a></li>\n";
    274 	}
    275 	#$output .= "</ul>";
    277 	return $output;
    278 }
    280 sub gen_relative_link {
    281 	my ($pageid, $lang, $link) = @_;
    282 	return LSG::Misc::gen_relative_link("$lang/$pageid", $link);
    283 }
    285 sub init_userfuncs {
    286 	$config->{"funcs"}->{"gen_lang_selector"} = \&gen_lang_selector;
    287 	$config->{"funcs"}->{"sort_books"} = \&sort_books;
    288 	$config->{"funcs"}->{"gen_nav"} = \&gen_nav;
    289 	$config->{"funcs"}->{"gen_relative_link"} = \&gen_relative_link;
    290 }
    292 1;