
Stupid LaTeX flashcard viewer
git clone git://lumidify.org/flashcards.git (fast, but not encrypted)
git clone https://lumidify.org/flashcards.git (encrypted, but very slow)
git clone git://4kcetb7mo7hj6grozzybxtotsub5bempzo4lirzc3437amof2c2impyd.onion/flashcards.git (over tor)
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viewer.pl (3758B)

      1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
      3 use strict;
      4 use warnings;
      5 use utf8;
      6 use open qw< :encoding(UTF-8) >;
      7 binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
      8 use Tkx;
      9 Tkx::package_require('img::png');
     10 use Data::Dumper;
     11 use JSON qw(decode_json encode_json);
     12 use List::Util qw(min);
     14 sub load_cards {
     15 	my %cards;
     16 	opendir my $dir, "cache" or die "Unable to open cache directory.\n";
     17 	while (my $filename = readdir($dir)) {
     18 		next if ($filename =~ /\A\.\.?\z/);
     19 		if ($filename =~ /(\A\d\d-\d\d-\d\d_\d\d\D\D)_(.+)\.png\z/) {
     20 			$cards{$1}{$2} = $filename;
     21 		}
     22 	}
     23 	closedir $dir;
     24 	return \%cards;
     25 }
     27 sub load_config {
     28 	my $path = shift;
     29 	my $config;
     30 	if (-e $path) {
     31 		open my $fh, "<", $path or die "Unable to open config \"$config\".\n";
     32 		my $json_raw = do {local $/; <$fh>};
     33 		$config = decode_json $json_raw;
     34 		close $fh;
     35 	} else {
     36 		$config = {};
     37 	}
     38 	return $config;
     39 }
     41 sub remove_cruft {
     42 	my ($config, $cards) = @_;
     43 	my $clean_config;
     44 	my $max_view_count = 0;
     45 	foreach my $card (keys %$cards) {
     46 		if (exists $config->{cards}->{$card}) {
     47 			$clean_config->{cards}->{$card} = $config->{cards}->{$card};
     48 		} else {
     49 			$clean_config->{cards}->{$card} = 0;
     50 		}
     51 	}
     52 	return $clean_config;
     53 }
     55 sub sort_cards {
     56 	my ($config, $cards) = @_;
     57 	my $sorted_cards;
     58 	foreach my $card (keys %$cards) {
     59 		my $view_count = $config->{cards}->{$card};
     60 		$sorted_cards->{$view_count}->{$card} = $cards->{$card};
     61 	}
     62 	return $sorted_cards;
     63 }
     65 sub get_rand_card {
     66 	my $cards = shift;
     67 	my $min_view_count = min keys(%$cards);
     68 	my @card_ids = keys %{$cards->{$min_view_count}};
     69 	my $card = $card_ids[rand @card_ids];
     70 	return ($min_view_count, $card);
     71 }
     73 sub next_card {
     74 	my ($config, $cards, $mw, $frame) = @_;
     76 	$$frame->g_destroy;
     77 	$$frame = $mw->new_ttk__frame();
     78 	$$frame->g_grid(-column => 0, -row => 0, -sticky => "nsew");
     80 	my ($view_count, $card_id) = get_rand_card $cards;
     81 	$mw->g_wm_title($card_id);
     82 	Tkx::image_create_photo("front1", -file => "cache/${card_id}_front1.png");
     83 	Tkx::image_create_photo("front2", -file => "cache/${card_id}_front2.png");
     84 	my $front1 = $$frame->new_ttk__label(-image => "front1");
     85 	my $front2 = $$frame->new_ttk__label(-image => "front2");
     86 	$front1->g_grid(-column => 0, -row => 0);
     87 	$front2->g_grid(-column => 0, -row => 1);
     88 	return ($view_count, $card_id);
     89 }
     91 sub gui {
     92 	my $config = load_config("config.json");
     93 	my $cards = load_cards;
     94 	$config = remove_cruft $config, $cards;
     95 	$cards = sort_cards $config, $cards;
     97 	my $mw = Tkx::widget->new(".");
     98 	$mw->g_wm_minsize(500,500);
     99 	my $frame = $mw->new_ttk__frame();
    100 	$frame->g_grid(-column => 0, -row => 0, -sticky => "nsew");
    101 	Tkx::grid(rowconfigure => $mw, 0, -weight => 1);
    102 	Tkx::grid(columnconfigure => $mw, 0, -weight => 1);
    104 	my $view_count;
    105 	my $card_id;
    107 	# so you can press space bar multiple times without increasing the view count
    108 	# again (useful for reloading edited cards)
    109 	my $view_count_increased = 0;
    110 	$mw->g_bind("<Return>", sub {
    111 			$view_count_increased = 0;
    112 			($view_count, $card_id) = next_card $config, $cards, $mw, \$frame;
    113 		});
    114 	$mw->g_bind("<space>", sub {
    115 			Tkx::image_create_photo("back", -file => "cache/${card_id}_back.png");
    116 			my $back = $frame->new_ttk__label(-image => "back");
    117 			$back->g_grid(-column => 0, -row => 2);
    118 			if (!$view_count_increased) {
    119 				$view_count_increased = 1;
    120 				$config->{cards}->{$card_id}++;
    121 				$cards->{$view_count+1}->{$card_id} = $cards->{$view_count}->{$card_id};
    122 				delete $cards->{$view_count}->{$card_id};
    123 				if (!%{$cards->{$view_count}}) {
    124 					delete $cards->{$view_count};
    125 				}
    126 				$frame->new_ttk__label(-text => $view_count + 1)->g_grid(-column => 1, -row => 0);
    127 			}
    128 		});
    130 	Tkx::MainLoop;
    131 	open my $fh, ">", "config.json" or die "Unable to save config.\n";
    132 	my $json_encoded = encode_json $config;
    133 	print $fh "$json_encoded\n";
    134 	close $fh;
    135 }
    137 gui;